Support ICC

As disciples of Christ, we are gifted in so many ways. When we answer the call to follow, we pledge our time, our talents and our possessions to build up the ministry of the Gospel. We are grateful to everyone who gives to support ICC’s ministry!

To support the church financially or with your time, please contact Pastor Tim (

Gifts of time and talent

The ministry at ICC would not be possible without the many volunteers who keep things running smoothly and facilitate activities. Some common areas for volunteers to help with include:

  • Helping out with Sunday morning worship (readers, greeters, communion assistants, etc)
  • Signing up to bring snacks and treats for our after-worship fellowship time
  • Assisting with or leading the children’s Sunday School
  • Working with ICC’s Green Team to encourage better stewardship of the world we’ve been given
  • Brining offerings of music during the Sunday service
  • Facilitating small-group get-togethers like book clubs, discussion groups, or Bible studies

Monetary donations

ICC does not receive any financial support from the Danish government, the state church nor the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). The expenses of running our ministry are covered by generous gifts from friends and members of our congregation. Thank you!

To ensure that we continue to serve our community as we have the past 61 years, we are in the midst of a one-time capital campaign to raise funds for a special endowment fund whose earnings will ensure we are here to support future visitors, newcomers, and long-time residents. Please contact us if you would like information.

How ICC gives back

ICC’s ministry is only possible through gifts from our friends and members, and we are blessed to recieve generous support. Because we believe in passing along this blessing, ICC has the practice of tithing – that is, giving 10% – from the donations we recieve to charitable organizations doing important work around the world. You can read more about some of these organizations here: Our Partners in Ministry