ICC has a variety of online events throughout the week, offering worship, prayer, and discussion. Some of these groups go on break during school vacation weeks, or due to other church events. If you would like to join, please get in touch to confirm scheduling and get the Zoom link, or join our email list to receive weekly updates!

Sunday worship

ICC’s online Zoom worship meets at 18:00 each Sunday, except the second Sunday of each month when we join the UK-based BIG WORSHIP Zoom service at 19:00.

Compline Prayer Service

We’re offering a virtual Compline/Night Prayer service on Wednesdays starting at 21:00. Compline is a service at the end of the day. It is quiet, simple and a nice way to bless the day that has passed and welcome the night which has come. It will last about 15 minutes and you are welcome to join in as you would like.

Café Theology

Café Theology takes place on Thursdays at 20:00. It is an hour of Bible Study or Theology discussion. It is informal and doesn’t require any preparation beforehand. If you have an idea, question, or topic on your mind you’d like to discuss, you’re welcome to suggest it as the theme for an upcoming meeting!

Morning Prayer

An offering for the ‘early risers’ among us, at 7:30 on Fridays. Join us for this simple, brief time of prayer and readings to start your day with a sense of peace and assurance of God’s presence before diving into the day’s tasks. The service lasts about 15 minutes or so and you are welcome to join in as you would like.