These groups meet regularly for fellowship and discussion. Some of these groups go on break during school vacation weeks, or occasionally change time or location temporarily. If you would like to join, please get in touch to confirm scheduling, or join our email list to receive weekly updates!

Early-Bird Bible Study

We meet each Sunday either at 9:15 (before a 10:30 service) or at 15:15 (before a 16:30 worship), spending about 45 minutes reading and discussing the scripture appointed for the day, led by Pastor Tim. This is an opportunity to go more in-depth with the texts that will be read during the service and engage with and learn from one another!

The readings for any given Sunday are included in our weekly newsletter, in case you would like to read and contemplate the texts in advance. However, we will begin each discussion by reading the text together, so feel free to drop in without any preparation!

Specific topics and dates are announced in the bulletin and shared in our weekly newsletter. Some examples of topics we’ve covered in the past are:

If you have a particular topic you would like to discuss, please bring your suggestion to Pastor Tim in person or at

ICC Book Club

ICC’s Book Club meets once a month in the evening to have an informal discussion of a book that some of us have read! We use the book as a starting point for conversation and discussion, but don’t stick to any strict format.

We usually start by describing what books or experiences we’ve recently had that were inspiring or provoking. Please feel welcome to join us, even if you haven’t read the book. 

Some recent books we have discussed include:

  •  The Faith Club, by by Suzanne Oliver, Priscilla Warner, Ranya Tabari Idliby
  • The Righteous Mind, by Jonathan Haidt
  • Accidental Saints: Finding God in all the wrong people, by Nadia Bolz Weber
  • Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
  • Inspired by Rachel Held Evans

If you’re looking for something new to read, you can also see our list of suggested readings here. Please feel free to suggest your own favorites or books you always wanted to have some discussion about. All are welcome!

Young Adult Bible Study

The ICC Young Adults group (18-30+ yrs.) usually meets on a weeknight evening for a simple meal, followed by a Bible study, where the group dives into God’s word and/or discuss topics with other Christians.

In addition, the Young Adults assist in worship at ICC; leading, assisting, reading, greeting, playing music or using whatever skills we/you may have to share. We also take plenty of time to be social!

There are many young adults traveling through Europe who would like the support of a group of fellow believers and have fun. Please know you are welcome!

So if you’re here for 10 days or 10 years, and would like to continue to grow in your faith, come and join us!